Poster #7
Risk Factors for Young People to Engage in Dating Violence
By: Bente Skau, Kelsey Harford, Vanessa Junior, Franca Iannotta, and Rosalia Samuel
With a grant from Public Safety Canada, Radius Child and Youth services has been piloting an assessment and intervention program for young people aged 12-24 who have used violence within their dating relationship (Youth Dating Violence = YDV). Following a thorough review of the extant literature, the risk factors for engaging in dating violence have been delineated and organized thematically. Themes include: technology and media; community and environmental factors; familial factors; and individual factors. In order to assess for these risk factors, an assessment template/questionnaire has been created. It includes qualitative questions asked by the clinician in one-on-one interviews, as well as a battery of psychometric questionnaires (both previously validated psychometrics, as well as new psychometrics created by Radius). While not a risk assessment tool, this approach can support clinicians in gaining a more fulsome understanding of the young person they are working with, and the criminogenic risks that need to be targeted when they engage in treatment/therapy.
Kelsey Harford has a Masters in Social Work from York University and is a Registered Social Worker. She currently works for Radius Child & Youth Services as a Clinical Therapist, as well as the Program Coordinator of the Youth Dating Violence Intensive Intervention Program. In addition to working with young people engaging in violence within their dating relationships, Kelsey works with young people who have experienced trauma, as well as those who have engaged in sexual offenses and problematic sexual behaviours. Prior to Radius, Kelsey did extensive work in the area of dating violence, including regularly presenting to high school students, and being brought in to speak at several conferences.