IVAT Journals
News and Announcements
Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma - Call for Abstracts!
Special Issue on Trauma-Informed Court Practices: Issues, Challenges, and Opportunities. This Special Issue explores trauma-informed approaches in judicial settings, emphasizing issues, challenges, and opportunities across various courts, including criminal, family, juvenile, and specialty courts. The aim is to address the harmful psychosocial impacts of courtroom processes on defendants, victims, witnesses, jurors, and court personnel, including the exacerbation of pre-existing trauma. Submissions are invited from researchers, practitioners, and policymakers in social sciences and law, focusing on quantitative, qualitative, and mixed-method studies. This issue seeks to raise awareness, disseminate research, and provide practical, interdisciplinary guidance to mitigate trauma in judicial environments. Abstracts for consideration should be sent to Guest Editors no later than 30 April 2025. Learn more
Guest Editors: Matt Brooks, Ph.D., Hannah Fawcett, Ph.D., & Ziwei Qi, Ph.D.
Journal of Child Sexual Abuse - Call for Papers!
Special Issue on Foundations of Evaluation Research for Primary Prevention of Child Sexual Abuse Perpetration. This special issue aims to advance effective primary prevention efforts for child sexual abuse perpetration by disseminating valuable findings, perspectives, and lessons learned from those engaged in this critical work. Since this is an underexplored field, the theme is intentionally broad in order to capture a wide variety of approaches, lessons learned, unique considerations, study findings, and other critical information that can help advance effective prevention of child sexual abuse perpetration. Of particular interest are manuscripts that clearly demonstrate their utility for future researchers and practitioners engaged in primary prevention of child sexual abuse perpetration. Learn more
Guest Editors: Maggie Ingram, Ph.D., M.H.S. & Lindsay Orchowski, Ph.D.
Journal of Family Trauma, Child Custody & Child Development — Call for Abstracts!
Special Issue on Misinformation and Bias in Decision-making about Children in Family Courts. This special issue aims to address topics related to family courts’ decisions about children and the pressing need to avoid misinformation and bias stemming from interpretation of social and medical science in family courts. We invite submissions that address a wide variety of topics that share the goal of ensuring recommendations and decisions about children are based on accurate science and in children's best interests. Learn More
Guest Editors: Jean Mercer, Ph.D., Suzanne Chester, J.D., & Kathleen Gear, Ph.D.
Journal of Child Sexual Abuse - Call for Papers!
The Journal of Child Sexual Abuse recently expanded the Journal’s focus to include sexual victimization across the lifespan. Announcing a call for abstracts for a Special Issue on Current Research Concerning Sexual Victimization, Intervention, & Prevention. To establish this new scope of work, this call for papers will highlight research on sexual victimization across the lifespan specifically conducted by early career investigators (e.g., graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, assistant/associate professors who have completed their terminal research degree or end of post-graduate clinical training, whichever date is later, within the past 10 years). Manuscripts that address a wide variety of topics involving sexual victimization across the lifespan will be considered for this Special Issue. Of particular interest are methodologically rigorous empirical studies and program evaluations, studies that implement novel methodologies, studies examining underserved populations, and innovative intervention and prevention programs. Learn More
Guest Editors: Prachi H. Bhupanti, Ph.D., Daniel Oesterle, M.S., & Roselyn Peterson, Ph.D.
Journal of Family Trauma, Child Custody & Child Development - Call for Papers!
Announcing a special issue in the Journal of Family Trauma, Child Custody & Child Development on The History of Denialism in Child Abuse. Denialism can have severe adverse consequences. Over the last 25 years, a more active denialist process has gained prominence with the deliberate induction of doubt regarding the causal effect of abusive mechanisms on several manifestations of child maltreatment. This special issue aims to build on the limited publications in this area. Contact the editorial office to learn more.
With Guest Editors Francois Luyet, MD, Barbara Knox, MD, Kenneth Feldman, MD, and Randell Alexander, MD, PhD.
IVAT Edits Three Peer-Reviewed Scholarly Journals Published by Taylor & Francis Group.
Journal of Child Sexual Abuse (JCSA)
The Journal of Child Sexual Abuse (JCSA) is interdisciplinary and provides an essential interface for researchers, academicians, attorneys, clinicians, advocates, policy makers, and practitioners. The journal advocates for increased networking in the sexual abuse/sexual victimization field, greater dissemination of information and research, a higher priority for this international epidemic, and development of effective assessment, intervention, and prevention programs across the lifespan. Divided into sections to provide clear information, the journal covers research studies, intervention programs, trauma, legal and forensic issues, prevention programs, case studies, assessment, and brief reports, focusing on various subject groups - child and adolescent victims of sexual abuse or incest; adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse or incest; adolescent or adult sexual assault or harassment victims/survivors; and sexual abuse, incest, and sexual assault offenders. Research, treatment approaches and techniques, prevention, intervention, and other programs concerning any of these groups are general categories of the published articles, case studies, and brief reports. The articles emphasize applying research, treatment, and interventions across the lifespan to practical situations so the importance and implications of the results will be clear.
Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma (JAMT)
The Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma (JAMT) publishes cutting-edge information on physical and emotional abuse, interpersonal aggression, maltreatment, and trauma. JAMT topic areas can include, but are not limited to, child maltreatment and spouse/partner abuse, sexual assault and sexual harassment, assessment of victims and perpetrators, aggression in the workplace or in schools, violence and criminal behavior, innovative treatment and model programs, and ethnic and multicultural issues. JAMT also publishes thematic issues featuring guest editors who focus on a particular aspect of these topics
Journal of Family Trauma, Child Custody, & Child Development (JFT)
The Journal of Family Trauma, Child Custody, and Child Development (JFT), formerly Journal of Child Custody, provides access to the research, theories, ideas, commentaries, and experiences of leading experts in the interdisciplinary fields of family psychology, child development, social work, mental health, attachment, child custody, trauma, interpersonal violence and abuse, assessment, parenting, divorce, and other relevant areas. The journal is anonymously peer reviewed in a double blind manner with an interdisciplinary editorial board comprised of child custody evaluators, mental health, social work, law enforcement and medical professionals, researchers, attorneys, and judges committed to the safety and best interests of children and families, especially as they relate to various types of court cases.
Recently Published or Upcoming Special Issues
Journal of Child Sexual Abuse
The Intersection of Child Sexual Abuse (CSA) and the Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (CSEC)
Child Sexual Abuse Victimization in Incarcerated Populations
Developing a National Strategy to Prevent and End Child Sexual Abuse
Sexual Victimization Across the Lifespan
Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma
Men as Victims of Violence and Abuse in Intimate Relationships
Contemporary Developments in Anti Domestic Violence Interventions
Methodological Innovations and Novel Applications of Psychological Resilience
Trauma-Informed Justice Responses to Interpersonal Harm
Journal of Family Trauma, Child Custody, & Child Development
The Co-Occurrence of Child Maltreatment and Domestic Violence: Contextual Ontologies, Challenges and Solutions
The Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma , Journal of Child Sexual Abuse , and the Journal of Family Trauma, Child Custody, and Child Development all have Dr. Robert Geffner as Editor-in-Chief. If you are interested in submitting an article but are uncertain about which journal your article may be best suited for, please contact the editor at journals@ivatcenters.org. All articles undergo a double-anonymous peer review. Please refer to the Instructions for Authors on the journal home page for more information on how to submit an article.